Our Shop

Visit our shop at:

161 Felixstowe Road

We are open Monday to Saturday from 10am-4pm

Call us on 01473 720580

We have a wonderful shop in Ipswich that really is an Aladdin’s Cave of bargains kindly donated by the pet loving public.

There is a lay-by right outside the shop allowing you to park up to 30 minutes for free. There is also a large Coop/Aldi car park just 5 minutes from us with 2 hour parking.

Felixstowe Road is well served by buses and Ipswich Rail Station is a five minute taxi ride away.

Our volunteers work very hard to keep the shop running and work like beavers whilst they are there sorting through the wonderful donations we receive and serving our many customers.

Want to help?

Why not fill up a bag of your unwanted goods and drop it off for us to sell? We accept most items but cannot take large furniture or big electrical appliances due to size making them difficult to transport. If you have some time to spare we’re always looking for reliable volunteers to help in the shop.

Our wonderful volunteers have totally revamped the shop – please pop in when you’re passing!